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A pendulum can help you balance your chakras.

How to Use a Pendulum for Chakra Balance

February 17, 20252 min read

I think one of the best things about reiki is that once you learn it, it's always available to you. It doesn't require expensive equipment or special outfits, (although those can be fun). Hence, the free Reiki for Every Body community group.

However, if I could suggest something small that may enhance your reiki practice, it would be a pendulum. I was trained to use a pendulum as part of my Reiki 1 certification and I find that I use this information all the time to check chakra alignment on myself and clients.

In case you've never used a pendulum, let me show you how to work with it.

It's a lot like muscle testing in a way. I find that when I use a pendulum, I am able to start working with the energetic body without interference from the ego and will. When we are working with our energy, we can't logic our way through it. The goal of energy healing is to create good flow and a pendulum gets me there a whole lot faster.

Using a pendulum is actually quite simple and with practice, I think, you'll find that you start to trust yourself and your intuition even more readily.

Let's get started.

  • When checking chakras, always work from top to bottom. Start with the crown and work your way down to the root.

  • Hold the top of the pendulum still and straight near each energy center.

  • Allow the pendulum to sway and find movement without your hand or body pressuring it.

  • Concentrate on asking each chakra to tell you how it's feeling.

How to read a pendulum.

You will get a feel for this with some practice. So, start with yourself first. I've found the best way to practice is to hold the pendulum still near your heart or throat chakra and say a true statement like: My name is fill in the blank. Now watch which way your pendulum begins to spin. Most likely, it will swing in a clock wise rotation.

Now, let's try the opposite. Speak a false statement like: I am 900 years old. Your pendulum should start to rotate in a counter clockwise spin.

Now, you can begin checking your own chakras. Start at the crown and notice which way the pendulum spins. A clockwise rotation is a true statement. A counter clockwise is a negative one. Also, you may notice changes in speed. A slower spin might mean the chakra is blocked. You may notice no movement at all, which is a fully blocked energy center. Or, you may notice a big wild spin, which could indicate an over active chakra.

All you need at this point is to find a pendulum that you like and start practicing. For more info, tips and tricks, join the free Reiki for Every Body community group!

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Amie Longmire

Amie is a therapist, Master reiki practitioner, writer, and artist living in Idaho.

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