Storytelling is a Super Power.

Ann Voskamp wrote, "Shame dies when stories are told in safe spaces." Storytelling has been a guiding force in my life. And, these days, I find myself creating tools for others to find their stories and create

their own healing because we are all on a journey.

My Story

I Stumbled upon Energy Healing in the midst

of my own healing journey and my life has never been the same.

Hearing a doctor tell me I should be dead even once is one time too many. This has happened three times in my life. Yet, here I am. And helping others heal has become my mission. My own healing journey has been filled with confusing doctors, misdiagnosis, and a real lack of empathy. But I have found a gentler, more effective way and I cannot wait to share it with you.

I specialize in medical and religious trauma.

Navigating your healing journey can feel so lonely at times. Like it or not, women tend to be the caretakers with little time to care for ourselves until our own health falls apart. I'd like to help guide you back to a place of true and lasting healing with a few very simple practices.

I'll be gentle, I promise.

A Podcast Interview

to get to know me:

A bit ago I was interviewed on the Holistic Health Bites Podcast with Andrea Nicholson.

Whenever I'm asked to imagine my Inner Child, this is her...

It's true, I've been drawing pictures and telling stories ever since I could first hold a crayon. This playfulness, this intuitiveness, guides my healing practice.

Follow along: @AmieLongmire


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