Online Courses

Available Now

Riding the Wave: A Holistic Approach to Anxiety mini-course.

Your Body wants to Heal.

A new course for those curious about Reiki energy healing, how to understand the chakra system, and how it relates to your overall health and wellbeing. I want to show you how you can learn to read your body and work with your body to help yourself clear stuck energy and feel better naturally.

A whole new you awaits!

Understand your Energetic Body in a new way.

This course will give you not only a road map of your energetics but a whole new set of creative and compassionate practices to help you start actually living in your body once again. This is the definition of embodiment. I believe you already have everything you need to help yourself clear blocked energy and inflammation naturally.

Available now.

Anxiety and Panic don't have to run your life.

Understand your nervous system in a new way.

This course will help you befriend your nervous system, breathe easier, and practice tools that are proven to alleviate anxiety and panic fast. Those who suffer from anxiety and panic live in fear that another "attack" could happen at anytime, without warning. I'm here to let you know, you do not need to live like that. Let me show you how.

Available Now!

Amie Longmire, MS-LCPC

I believe you are here on purpose!

And you are right on time. I've been called a lot of things... kinda woo-woo and a little too "crunchy granola" are among my favorites. I am also no stranger to chronic pain and I cannot wait to share with you the things I've learned as an energy healer and psychotherapist.

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