
I have found journaling to be such an integral part of my own healing journey. But, journaling has always come naturally to me... it doesn't for everyone. So, I've created a series of guided journals and habit/mood trackers to help you on your own healing journey!

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Journals for those who hate journaling.

Life happens moment by moment and we naturally grow through the seasons of our lives. These guided journals will hopefully create a more mindful practice for whatever season you find yourself in.

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An Introduction to Reiki

What is Reiki: A Beginners Guide to Energetic Healing

September 08, 20243 min read

You can heal yourself. You already have everything you need.

It's true. If reiki and counseling have taught me anything, it's this: We already have everything we need. And helping others notice and clear their energy fields is one way I love to help people grow and heal. If you are new to Reiki, please keep reading!

Reiki Energy Healing for Beginners.

Reiki is an ancient tradition for deep relaxation and energetic healing. By harnessing your own energy, and connecting to source energy (some call this prana, some call it chi, others call it the holy spirit or divine creator), we are able to bring our energy centers back into balance to promote healing and well-being. I'd like to take a few moments to answer some of the questions I get all the time.

A Beginners Guide to Reiki Energy Healing

1. Is Reiki a religious tradition?

The short answer is no. While Reiki sounds incredibly woo-woo, it is not affiliated with any religious tradition. It can aid anyone at any time regardless of spiritual background or beliefs. I came from an Evangelical Christian background. Reiki reminds me so much of praying by laying hands on a person. I mean this in a good way. There is something intimate and healing about setting an intention together, clearing energy that no longer serves, and helping others find rest, health, and hope.

2. What do you mean by energy?

Everything runs on energy - our cells are powered by energy. I believe there is intelligent design (a divine creator) bringing all this energy to life. If a part of our system is shutting down for whatever reason. Reiki can help unclog the blockage and improve the flow of energy through your system. Remember, 80% of physical symptoms have an emotional root. Energy effects our physical body as well as our emotional state. Clearing your chakras promotes rest, relaxation, and well-being.

3. Can I achieve a more steady flow state?


4. Does Reiki leave me impaired in any way?

Nope. Not at all. Reiki is not even hypnosis and no altered states are involved. Reiki is safe for children, pregnant women, and even your pets. Did you know that hospitals are hiring reiki practitioners to work on patients in their pre and post operative wards? Reiki helps put us into a relaxed state which has been scientifically proven to shorten recovery times and lessen the need for pain meds throughout recovery.

5. How Many Reiki Sessions Do People Typically Need?

There are no hard and fast rules. I do notice that it takes 2 or 3 weeks after a session for your energy centers to fully recharge. And I notice that 3 sessions spaced about 2 weeks apart does wonders for clearing specific issues. However, group sessions that meet monthly also help clients rest and recharge and clear themselves in new and powerful ways.

Do you have any other questions about Reiki Energy Healing? I would love to hear and answer them!

Or, you can schedule your session with me right here.

Amie Longmire

Amie is a therapist, Master reiki practitioner, writer, and artist living in Idaho.

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