
Everything I can think to share about reiki, energy healing, and being in your body more. Follow along with the blog and find what you need. Reiki is for everybody, and I'm so glad you are here.

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A collection of curated articles because Reiki really is for Every Body. Got a question about Reiki energy healing? Chances are, you'll find the answer here. From live and online community reiki events and articles on healing specific conditions like anxiety to detailed instructions on how to perform reiki. It's all here. And, if you can't find it, please leave me a comment or send me an email and ask... I want this website to be as helpful as possible and I love hearing from you.

This is a picture of me at my happiest.

The Most Unexpected Side Effect of Reiki

March 08, 20252 min read

I absolutely love the gentleness that completely changes me through my self healing reiki practice. This free flowing energy has made such a difference in my life. Reiki is available to all of us. There are no side effects. Let me make a correction here. There are no negative side effects.

I have noticed a handful of positive side effects of Reiki Energy Healing.

I noticed the biggest one recently when I needed a new profile pic for my website. My tendency for many years has been to shy away from the camera lens and automatically decide I don't like pictures of myself without really looking at the picture. Maybe you can relate? I've most likely inherited this, absorbed it from all the pressure put on women. I can tell you're not surprised. I mean, if you're reading this, we probably have a lot in common. Maybe this pressure is part of what draws you to Reiki Energy Healing these days. Anyway, as I have been putting myself "out there" more, preparing to put my latest course offering out into the larger world, I have found myself more ready to step into my voice, speak from my intuition and experience, and far less concerned about what others might think. I have no control over this. What would be the point?! Is my feminism starting to show?!

So, I snapped this picture of myself after walking my dog in 25 degree winter weather, no makeup, hair wild and undone, in one of my favorite sweaters.

I look at this picture, without filters, and see how at home I am in my skin.

I notice that my cheeks are pink and my eyes sparkle. My living room is filled with winter light and I am headed to my office to see counseling clients all day - I love that I get to spend my days this way. I feel excited about what is to come and increasingly astonished at the strength I find in the depths of myself. Reiki helps me find the alignment I have been searching for all along.

Here's the other happy accident of Reiki energy healing: my intuition is far louder and I am trusting myself more and more. My intuition led me to my latest course and I am so excited to share it with you.

It is my hope that this course would bring you to new levels of self compassion because the world needs you and I to really show up here as our truest selves.

You can check it out here:

Logo for 8 Elements of Embodiment Course

Reiki Reiki Energy HealingChakra BalancingIntroduction to ReikiReiki Personal JourniesReiki Self HealingBenefits of ReikiSpiritual Benefits of ReikiReiki for Self Acceptance

Amie Longmire

Amie is a therapist, Master reiki practitioner, writer, and artist living in Idaho.

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Journals for those who hate journaling.

Life happens moment by moment and we naturally grow through the seasons of our lives. These guided journals will hopefully create a more mindful practice for whatever season you find yourself in.

Consider your next healing course:

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