I absolutely love the gentleness that completely changes me through my self healing reiki practice. This free flowing energy has made such a difference in my life. Reiki is available to all of us. There are no side effects. Let me make a correction here. There are no negative side effects.
I noticed the biggest one recently when I needed a new profile pic for my website. My tendency for many years has been to shy away from the camera lens and automatically decide I don't like pictures of myself without really looking at the picture. Maybe you can relate? I've most likely inherited this, absorbed it from all the pressure put on women. I can tell you're not surprised. I mean, if you're reading this, we probably have a lot in common. Maybe this pressure is part of what draws you to Reiki Energy Healing these days. Anyway, as I have been putting myself "out there" more, preparing to put my latest course offering out into the larger world, I have found myself more ready to step into my voice, speak from my intuition and experience, and far less concerned about what others might think. I have no control over this. What would be the point?! Is my feminism starting to show?!
So, I snapped this picture of myself after walking my dog in 25 degree winter weather, no makeup, hair wild and undone, in one of my favorite sweaters.
I notice that my cheeks are pink and my eyes sparkle. My living room is filled with winter light and I am headed to my office to see counseling clients all day - I love that I get to spend my days this way. I feel excited about what is to come and increasingly astonished at the strength I find in the depths of myself. Reiki helps me find the alignment I have been searching for all along.
Here's the other happy accident of Reiki energy healing: my intuition is far louder and I am trusting myself more and more. My intuition led me to my latest course and I am so excited to share it with you.
You can check it out here: