Our chakras can fall out of alignment for many reasons: stress, pain, anxiety, trauma, burnout. But, how do you know if your energy centers are over performing? Let's find out, shall we?
I like to think of my chakras like volume knobs. I mean, the word "Chakra" in Sanskrit means "spinning disk." So, the volume knob metaphor holds up. If the volume is too low, it will be irritating and I'll be straining to hear it. If it's up too loud, it's also annoying because I can't concentrate on any thing else, right? Like when we turn down the music in the car to read the addresses on the curb.
With under active chakras there is so much we can do to open them up. Calming our chakras is an act of listening to what our energy is trying to communicate. Calming our chakras is an act of self compassion and slowing down. This can be a tough one for me. Reiki is about one of the only things that gets me to sit still long enough to listen to myself. Maybe you can relate.
Here's another metaphor for you... Let's picture a smoothie straw. If your spinal cord is the conduit along which all our chakras spin and our energy flows up and down along our spine, an over active chakra is a spot where an energy center is working too hard to compensate for the narrow or under active chakra. In our smoothie straw analogy, this is where a piece of frozen strawberry clogs the flow of the straw and below there is an excess of smoothie trying to break the log jam. (Now. I'm thirsty.)
Getting back into a flowing alignment is about clearing the log jam. An over active chakra means that the chakra above or below is probably under active.
Let's say I notice in my reiki practice that my Solar Plexus is really hot and my Sacrum is hardly moving. My next step would be to clear stuck energy in my Sacrum and reset my Solar Plexus back to the beat of my heart. I love how gentle and effective this practice is.
It's simple really. Place your dominant hand on your Solar Plexus and your non dominant hand on your heart, taking a moment to focus on your heart beat. This helps you sync back into a flow that works with you rather than against you.
I cover this and so much more in the 8 Elements of Embodiment course. If you are interested, please check it out here. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments. I love helping others on their healing journey and you are so important to me.
I'm so glad you're here. And I hope this was helpful for you.