
Everything I can think to share about reiki, energy healing, and being in your body more. Follow along with the blog and find what you need. Reiki is for everybody, and I'm so glad you are here.

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Image of a frozen lake to demonstrate what an under active chakra looks like.

What Does an Under Active Chakra Look Like?

February 17, 20253 min read

I'd like to use this post to demystify how to wake up under active chakras. In my last post, I detailed how to use a pendulum. I hope it was helpful for you. Now, with your pendulum in hand, you've probably noticed at least one of your chakras running small, slow, backward, or barely moving at all. We all get a little turned around at times, right?! Reiki is a great way to solve for this and find alignment that works for you.

I could give you a really "sciency" explanation but I get the sense that you're here to find some quick and practical answers. I've got you. And, just know, I'll save the "sciency" lectures for my courses in case you do get interested. I'm a recovering English Professor at heart.

So, it's not super complicated to reactivate a chakra... except that we've been not doing these things for a bit. Working with an under active chakra will cause us to move out of autopilot. I love the way Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about creating change in our lives in his book, Becoming Super Natural.

"The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy--to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, to change our state of being we have to change how we think and how we feel."

No big deal, right?! Just change how we think and feel? Sheesh!

Just hear me out. What if we have an understanding of how our chakra system works? It gets infinitely easier to read our bodies and make real changes. Utilizing reiki energy healing causes us to have a far more embodied experience. Part of the problem, when it comes to under active chakras, is that we haven't been living in an embodied way for quite some time. This is a natural, understandable response to stress, trauma, overwhelm,... getting back into our bodies is exactly what brings our under active chakras back online.

When I say under active, maybe it's helpful to think: frozen. As in, those moments when your nervous system jumps into flight, fight, or freeze. An under active chakra is pretty much the energetic equivalent of a freeze response. So, thawing out a chakra means we need to begin playing in that space again. This reminds us that our chakra is no longer off limits to us. The quickest way to get there is to wear the color associated with that chakra.

A guide to the chakras and their associated colors.

Has it been a while since you've worn red or orange or purple? Why do you think that is? Also, you could try eating more foods associated with each color. This alone will get you out of that autopilot we've been frozen into for so long.

Maybe you need to pay more attention to that part of your body... but in a nice way, not a self loathing way. It's possible that more self compassion and gentleness are in order. The answer is never less self compassion.

I cover all this and all the "sciency" reiki stuff in my newest course: 8 Elements of Embodiment. You can check it out here.

And, until we meet again, keep practicing thawing out your chakras. If you have any questions. please ask. I love hearing from you and it is an honor to be of service in this way.


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Amie Longmire

Amie is a therapist, Master reiki practitioner, writer, and artist living in Idaho.

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